Tuesday 26 March 2013

Natural and Safe Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure has been contributing the death very wisely and studies have brought front facts that prove about 15% of the deaths in United States due to high blood pressure. High blood pressure in itself my not show any symptom of its development and this is the worst aspect of the disease. By the time you get aware of this disease, it might have done enough harm to your body. The disease can lead to serious and even fatal health issues some of them to mention include kidney failure, strokes, heart attack, cognitive decline, etc.

Source: Natural and Safe Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

Monday 11 March 2013

How to lower your blood pressure without prescription drugs

(NaturalNews) It is no secret that chronic high blood pressure, whatever its particular root cause, can lead to heart disease, which is said to be the leading cause of death in America today. But what remains a secret, at least to many people, is how to deal with this condition naturally apart from pharmaceutical drug interventions, which the establishment often claims is the only effective remedy for lowering blood pressure. Here are four ways to help naturally lower your blood pressure without the need for prescription drugs:

1) Eat lots of garlic and onions, take garlic supplements. Writing for Mother Earth News in a 1997 review, Christopher Nyerges explains how eating lots of garlic and onions, two onion types from the medicinal Allium genus, can help thwart hypertension, lower circulating cholesterol, and prevent influenza and various other health conditions. Citing numerous scientific studies and a cohort of information he gathered from various medical journals and doctors, Nyerges highlights the ability of both garlic and onions to quell the arterial inflammation that often leads to high cholesterol, as well as prevent the sticking together of blood platelets following high-fat meals that may lead to clotting.

5 unusual ways to boost your body


Blends of fresh or powdered green vegetables such as kale and spinach with fruit can provide your five–a–day in one serving. They're packed with fibre, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to boost vitality and health.

The experts say: "Most of us don't eat enough fruit and vegetables so smoothies are a better choice than juices as the fibre content is retained," explains nutritionist Sara Stanner from The Nutrition Society. "However, a range of fruit and vegetables is important because they vary in nutrient content, so don't just opt for green veg, try to throw in other colours too."

"Green smoothies are good for alkalising the body," says Claire Harper, nutrition consultant at The Nutrition Guide (thenutritionguide.co.uk). "The western diet of white bread, pasta, alcohol, coffee, meat and dairy is highly acid forming, which can cause inflammation making us more susceptible to illness. Counteracting this by drinking greens every day is a natural way to protect your health."

Good for: Increasing energy. Also, after a week or two you'll notice clearer skin and brighter eyes.
Try it: Create a half and half blend of green leafy vegetables (spinach, lettuce and celery, etc) and fruits (banana, strawberries and blueberries) and add water, milk or yogurt.

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Friday 11 January 2013

Lower your diabetes risk using food and diet

Diabetes is a disease that, once diagnosed, stays throughout the life. It requires a lot of patience and courage to deal with it. Diabetes, which occurs as a result of lack of insulin, brings about metabolic anomalies in the body. As your body fails to generate insulin, it cannot turn sugars into the needed energy. This stresses the kidneys to work more efficiently, which ultimately leads to frequent urination. In addition, this also starts affecting the entire body and enhances the risk of heart failure or diseases and strokes. Thus it is very essential to learn the natural ways of controlling it. Although, it may be difficult, it is not impossible. We can fight diabetes and be victorious. 

The natural cure for diabetes effectively works for those, those who believe in themselves and keep track of their diet and lifestyle. Although, this does work to a great extent for one type of diabetes called Diabetes 2, it cannot serve you in curing Diabetes 1, which essentially requires prescribed medication. Let us go through the natural and valuable ways of controlling the disease in the following part.

The foremost thing is take care of what you eat. You need to focus completely on your immunity to fight diabetes. Diabetes diet and food include fresh fruits, green vegetables, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and oatmeal. Avoid foods having high content of carbohydrates and starch, sweets, and junk food like potato chips, pizzas and burgers. Drift away from smoking, alcohol, and caffeine. Most importantly, you must include foods that are rich in zinc, calcium, magnesium, and chromium in your diet, as they help improve the response of body cells to insulin and control blood sugar levels. You must also take adequate sleep and drink at least two liters of water daily. Yoga, meditation, and simple exercises like walking or brisk walking helps a lot.

As per study, anything that is bitter can do wonders in curing diabetes. Whether it is a bitter melon or neem leaves, they both help in lowering the sugar levels. You can drink bitter melon juice in the morning. When it comes to neem leaves, you can fry or crush them and then eat them. To reduce the bitterness of neem, you can convert it into fine powder after preserving and drying it and then consume it with water. Other than this, fenugreek seeds, amla, turmeric powder, cumin seeds, etc. help reduce diabetes risk.

Thus make use of the above-mentioned ways for curing diabetes. You may feel a bit uneasy in the beginning, but once you start incorporating them, you will get used to it.

Article Source: Natural Cure For Diabetes

Thursday 20 December 2012

Why One Suffers From Low Blood Pressure?

You might have often wondered why one suffers from the rare syndrome of low blood pressure. Before enlightening yourself with the knowledge behind the causes of low blood pressure syndrome you must first gain a proper insight of the disease itself. Low blood pressure which is medically categorized as hypotension is a type of disease in which the blood pressure that is required to pump the blood effectively to all the parts of the body goes down way too far such that it becomes difficult for the heart to circulate blood efficiently to the brain, which can ultimately lead to several mild and even severe complications. Some of the risks associated with low blood pressure are fainting and dizziness which occurs because of the low transfusion of blood in the arteries of the brain. Low blood pressure can lead to severe complications such as organ failure, cerebral damage, coronary failure, etc. Hence it must be treated efficiently upon experiencing the initial symptoms. Below mentioned are the causes of low blood pressure that you must know for the better understanding of the disease.
  • Low volume of blood: Low blood pressure may occur because of the low volume or quantity of blood in the body. The volume of blood may decrease because of various reasons like lack in proper nutrition, loss of blood through bleeding, pregnancy, etc.
  • Widening of the blood vessels: When the blood vessels especially the arteries becomes wider than normal, it can result in the dropping of blood pressure.
  • Hormonal imbalance: Certain hormones have the ability to reduce pressure exerted by the heart to pump blood throughout the body. When such hormones are produced in excess it can lead to low blood pressure. Hormonal imbalance caused during pregnancy, or stress, tension, etc. can cause low blood pressure.
  • Dehydration: Dehydration means the lack of the quantity of water in the body. When your body is deprived of water for longer periods of time it experiences dehydration and the situation can lead to low blood pressure.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnancy can lower the quantity of blood in the mother’s body as most of the blood is used in the development of the fetus. Under such circumstances body usually experience low blood pressure.
  • Low sodium intake: Low sodium and potassium intake can cause steady drop in blood pressure which can in turn cause severe complications and can even be life threatening if not treated immediately.
  • Poor diet: Poor diet can affect the production of blood and hence quantity of blood is reduced resulting in low blood pressure.
The above causes can trigger low blood pressure and by taking necessary precautions and preliminary actions you can avoid suffering from the syndrome and save yourself from the complications that comes along with it. 

Friday 30 November 2012

High Blood Pressure Could Cause Your Brain to Age Faster


Most of us don’t worry about dementia and cognitive health until later in life. New research from the University of California Davis, however, could change our minds.

Researchers found that young people approaching middle age with high blood pressure—even mild levels for which doctors don’t intervene—experience accelerated brain aging. This could be because high blood pressure makes arteries stiffer over time, raising the risk of cardiovascular disease by 49% and cerebrovascular disease—like ischemic stroke—by 62%. It is, according to Medical News Today, “the single greatest risk factor for premature death in the US, where it affects some 50 million people.”
Senior author Charles DeCarli says in The Lancet that this manner of vascular brain injury, which has been linked to cognitive difficulties like dementia later in life, “develops insidiously over the lifetime with discernible effects.”

High Blood Pressure Ages Brain
In a multi-generational study, DeCarli and his colleagues took data from 579 people across three generations. The most recent participants were largely in their late 30s when they had their blood pressure and then divided into three groups based on their readings: normal, prehypertensive, and high blood pressure. After taking smoking habits, medication, and other variables into consideration, researchers gave participants magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans to measure extent of brain injuries, if any.
Participants with higher blood pressure showed inferior brain health to those with normal blood pressure. Those with high blood pressure also showed, on average, 9 percent less gray matter in the frontal and temporal lobes than their counterparts in the normal blood pressure group. For instance, a 33-year-old with high blood pressure had a brain aged equally to a 40-year-old’s with normal blood pressure.
 “Vascular brain injury may develop insidiously over several decades,” says lead author Pauline Maillard, who also warns that white matter damage can be detected even in our younger years. She calls for “early and optimum control of blood pressure, which is neither routinely achieved nor subject to testing in randomized controlled clinical trials.”

Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally
High blood pressure and stiffened arteries affects blood flow to both the outer gray matter and inner white matter of the brain, which are both key players in the central nervous system.  In addition to a poor diet and exercise regimen, lack of sleep can also raise blood pressure, so play with your schedule to allow for adequate amounts of rest.
If you want to lower blood pressure naturally, you’re in luck; there are many home remedies for high blood pressure that can be found in your own kitchen (or at least at the grocery store).
  • Vitamin D improves vascular health and helps naturally lower blood pressure. Just step outside for 15 to 30 minutes without sunscreen to get a good dose of natural—and free!—vitamin D.
  • One papaya contains 781 mg of potassium, a mineral and electrolyte that helps control blood pressure. In fact, the American Heart Association recommends we each get 4,700 mg of potassium a day to regulate our blood pressure.
  • One study found that watermelon extract supplementation reduces ankle and brachial blood pressure, carotid wave reflection, and overall arterial function. Earlier studies, such as one from Florida State University, found that 4 grams of watermelon extract per day reduced systolic blood pressure
  • Coconut water was found to lower the blood pressure of 71% of study participants in one 2005 study.

Boosting Blood Flow, Chocolate Can Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally


We’ve been extolling the health benefits of chocolate for some time. Recently, Cochrane Collaborations published a report that analyzed 20 studies, all finding that blood pressure actually reduced in subjects who ate small to moderate amounts of dark chocolate or cocoa. Who would have thought that just a tasteful delight could reduce blood pressure naturally.


Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally with Dark Chocolate

Lead researcher Karin Ried of the National Institute of Integrative Medicine in Melbourne gave tentative but hopeful remarks. “Although we don’t yet have evidence for any sustained decrease in blood pressure, the small reduction we saw over the short term might complement other treatment options and might contribute to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.”  The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) gave a similar ruling stating the dark chocolate and cocoa powder could boost blood flow. If the European Commission approves of this ruling, chocolate producers could put health claims on their products.
This brings us to our next point: there is, sadly, a dark side to chocolate research. Some studies, like this one that found cocoa flavanol consumption helped cognitive function, insulin resistance in elderly subjects, and can reduce blood pressure naturally was actually funded by Mars Inc. That’s like Philip Morris funding cigarette research. Would you believe it? Just something to take into consideration with that particular piece of research.
Admittedly, not all of these studies have such suspect financial backing, and there’s ample evidence that organic, GMO-free chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa content has more than a handful of benefits. Scientists have observed healthy blood pressure ranges in indigenous people of San Blas Island in Central America, who drink flavanol-rich cocoa daily. As previously discussed, healthy varieties of chocolate:
  • Is high in antioxidants (flavanols)
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Stimulates endorphin production
  • is a mood booster, thanks to its serotonin content
  • contains magnesium, vitamin A, B1, B2, D, and E
The bottom line? Dr. Elizabeth Jackson told Reuters, “To me this says a little bit of dark chocolate isn’t too bad for you, but you wouldn’t want to go overboard with the calories and eat a pound of chocolate.” Moderation—and the type of chocolate—is key.